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Restful Night Superfoods

Restful Night Superfoods

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ 4.9/5 (28 reviews)

Ready to embark on the next step of your journey towards a better, calmer you?

Dive into the peaceful world of sleep with our Valerian Root Sleep Time Tea. This blend is enriched with herbal adaptogens, and anti-inflammatories, making it the ultimate elixir for a serene night. Featuring the legendary Valerian Root, known for its remarkable sleep-inducing properties, it's our top pick for a restful night's sleep, offering a natural and soothing pathway to dreamland

Sedative Properties: Valerian root contains compounds that are believed to have sedative effects on the brain and nervous system. These compounds can help to calm the mind and reduce anxiety, which is often a major contributor to insomnia and other sleep disorders.

GABA Enhancement: It is thought to increase the levels of a neurotransmitter called gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) in the brain. GABA helps regulate nerve cells and calms anxiety. Many prescription sleep aids work by increasing GABA levels, and valerian does this in a natural way.

Reduction of Sleep Latency: Studies have shown that valerian root can reduce the amount of time it takes to fall asleep. This is particularly beneficial for people who struggle with sleep onset insomnia.

Improves Sleep Quality: Not only can valerian root help you fall asleep faster, but it may also improve the quality of sleep, making it more restful and rejuvenating.

Non-Habit Forming: Unlike many prescription sleep medications, valerian root is not known to cause dependency or addiction, making it a safer alternative for long-term use.

Fewer Side Effects: Many people choose valerian root over prescription sleep aids because it typically has fewer side effects. When side effects do occur, they are generally mild and may include dizziness, headache, or stomach upset.

Synergy with Other Herbs: Valerian root is often combined with other calming herbs like lemon balm, chamomile, and hops, which can enhance its sleep-promoting effects.

Enjoyment Suggestions:

- Steep in 1 cup of hot water (about 95°) for 7-10 minutes.

- Add a hint of honey or lemon for a soothing twist.

- Enjoy as is, letting the natural flavors lull you to sleep.

Contains: Hibiscus, valerian root, camomile, lemon balm, red rooibos and stevia

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Your Questions, Our Answers 👇

Will herbal superfood tea work for me?

Individual reactions to herbal teas can vary, but our teas contain well-known ingredients like ashwagandha and valerian root, which are traditionally recognized for their beneficial effects. While we cannot guarantee specific results for everyone, these ingredients have a history of helping with focus, calm, and sleep.

What do the dried herbs and fruits taste like?

Our tea has a tart and fruity flavor profile, making it both refreshing and enjoyable. The natural flavors of the herbs come through, providing a unique and pleasant taste experience.

What if I don't like the drink or it doesn't work for me?

We recommend enjoying a cup of our herbal tea about 30 minutes to an hour before you plan to go to bed. This allows time for the herbs to work their way through your system and begin their soothing effects.

When should I drink the superfood tea?

Our night time tea is ideal for drinking in the evening to help you unwind and prepare for a restful night's sleep, especially due to the calming properties of valerian root. However, our day time tea you can enjoy it any time you wish to relax and de-stress.

How long do herbs needs to steep for?

For the best flavor and maximum benefits, we recommend steeping the tea for about 5-7 minutes. This allows the herbs to fully infuse their flavors and properties into the water.

How much herbs and fruits comes in each bag?

Each bag contains enough tea to make approximately 30 cups. This quantity is perfect for enjoying the tea over several days or weeks, depending on your personal consumption rate.

Is every ingredient caffeine-free?

Yes, our tea is completely caffeine-free, making it an excellent choice for those looking to reduce their caffeine intake or enjoy a calming beverage in the evening without disrupting sleep.

Are the ingredients organic?

We are committed to providing the highest quality ingredients. All ingredients are organically and ethically sourced.

Can superfood tea be consumed cold?

Absolutely! While traditionally enjoyed hot, our tea can also be refreshing when served cold, especially on warmer days. Brew it as usual, let it cool, and then refrigerate to enjoy a chilled, soothing beverage.

Real Healing, Real People: The True Stories Behind Our Tea


"Just a cup and I'm feeling mellow; it's my five-minute fix to end a hectic day on a calm note."
Jasmine H.


"Been having this every night, and it's the first time in ages I'm not staring at the ceiling waiting for sleep."

Sarah M.


'This is now my apart of my nightly ritual, my day to day stress is so much better!"

Laurence K.


"As a parent of four children, my to-do list is always full. However, now I am able to enjoy a restful night's sleep without interruptions!"

Nora K.


"Life has become incredibly busy, but I have discovered the perfect way to take a mid-day break and find some relaxation."
