Raw. Simple.

Shop Superfood Teas

Wellness is not a destination, it’s a journey. One Cup at a time.

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Ginger and Turmeric Blend

No Processed "Natural Flavors"


Sleep Reset Bundle

We Are Bringing Back What Our Ancestors Loved. Ingredients We've Forgotten.

  • ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

    "Just a cup and I'm feeling mellow; it's my five-minute fix to end a hectic day on a calm note."

    - Jasmine H.

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    "This tea is a game changer - I actually look forward to bedtime now, it helps me unwind like nothing else." - Laurence K.

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    "Been having this every night, and it's the first time in ages I'm not staring at the ceiling waiting for sleep."

    -Sarah M.

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    "As a parent of four children, my to-do list is always full. However, now I am able to enjoy a restful night's sleep without interruptions!"

    - Ashely L.

  • ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

    "Life has become incredibly busy, but I have discovered the perfect way to take a mid-day break and find some relaxation."

    Jolene-Marie S.